Chesapeake Bay Charter Fishing on the Worm  FISHING CHARTERS
Worm Home The Worm from Stem to Stern Captain Drew Payne First Mate Bob Munro Charter Information Fishing Seasons
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During the winter, what better way is there to pass the time than to visit some of the fishing and boat shows in our area?  Whether you're looking for bargains on fishing tackle, to talk with charter captains, or find a new fishing platform, if you can't find it at one of these shows, maybe you should take up golf.  If you see red in the table, the "Worm" will be there. 

Karen and Carla of Chesapeake Angler magazine, 2003

Traci and Captain Drew during a winter show, 2002

"Winter Shows" in the Bay Area, 2024 (updated 2/13/2024)

Dates Event Location Information
Jan. 12 - 14 49th East Coast Commercial Fishermen's & Aquaculture Trade Expo Ocean City Convention Center, Ocean City, MD 410-216-6610
Jan. 13 1st Annual Fishing & Outdoor Expo and Flea Market North Beach VFD
8536 Bayside Rd., Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732
TBD Baltimore Boat Show Baltimore Convention Center 410-224-7633
Jan. 19 - 21 Chesapeake Bay Boat Show Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium 410-279-1596
Jan. 19- 21 Richmond Fishing Expo Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA 336-855-0208
Jan. 26 - 28 Richmond Boat Show Richmond Convention Center,
403 N 3rd St., Richmond, VA
Jan. 27 - 28 Monaghan Fishing Show Monaghan Twp. VFD, 245 W. Siddonsburg Rd., Dillsburg, PA 717-991-1015
Jan. 27 - 28 Kent Island Fishermen's Annual Fishing Flea Market Kent Island American Legion Post 278, 800 Romancoke Rd., Stevensville, MD 410-979-0715
Feb. 3 - 11 Great American Outdoor Show Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA  
Feb. 16 - 18 OC Seaside Boat Show Ocean City Convention Center, Ocean City, MD 410-401-3148
Feb. 17 - 18 PSG Fishing Expo & Nautical Craft Show Kurtz's Beach
2070 Kurtz Ave
Pasadena, MD 21122
Feb. 24 Annual Saltwater Fishing Expo Annapolis Elks Lodge 622, 2517 Solomons Is. Rd., Edgewater, MD 410-507-8491
 March 8 - 10  Chantilly Family Boat Show Dulles Expo Center, Chantilly, VA 804-337-6479
  March 9 - 10   Fishing Flea Market,
Essex-Middle River Fishing Club
Rosedale VFC
8037 Philadelphia Rd.
Rosedale, MD 21237
April 6-7 Annual Fishing Fair St. Mary's County Fairgrounds
42455 Fairgrounds Road,
Leonardtown, MD 20650
? MD Sportsman Show Howard County Fairgrounds
Interstate 70, Exit 80 W. Friendship, MD
Apr. 12 - 14 Bay Bridge Boat Show Bay Bridge Marina, Kent Island 410-268-8828


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